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Access To Limni

It is very easy to get to Limni and specific to our rooms. They can be reached by car, by bus, by boat or by speedboat!
- The distance from Chalkida to Limni is about 80 Km. On the way you will encounter beautiful scenery, especially in Agios (the highest mountain on the northern Evia). After Halkida, you will take the path to Northn Evia. You will first encounter New Artaki, next Psachna, you will ride up Agios, you will reach Prokopi, you will pass through Mantoudi and Strofylia and you will finally see Limni from up the hill.
- From Agiokampos or the Edipsos Spa you will take the road down to Chalkida following the signs to Prokopi (St. John the Russian) Chalkida. There are two roads, one from the Aegean side and the other from Evoikos Gulf. The road is better from Evoikos Gulf but the view is much more pretty from the Aegean side. To get to Agiokampos or Edipsos Spa, you have to use a ship.
There are frequent trips from Chalkida to North Evia. The time required is clearly bigger than that with your own vehicle.
- From Glypha - Agiokampo: Descending from Larissa and after the tolls before you leave for Bolos, continue to Lamia. You will encounter outings for Anghialos, Mikrothives, Sourpi and finally leaving for Glifa. When you get to the exit, follow the road and in about 15 minutes you will reach the beach of Glyfa,. From there you will take the ferry to Agiokampos. - From Arkitsa - Baths Of Edipsos: If you start your trip from Athens, you can take the fery from Arkitsa.